@noask - Auto rejects Deals/Invites
@me <message> - Displays normal text as a message in this format: *name message* (like /me in mIRC)
@away/@aw- Displays an automated message to the person PM'ing you
@commands - Displays a list of commands that you can use.
@rates - Displays the server's current rates.
@uptime - Displays how long the server has been online since the last server boot
@showdelay - Shows/Hides the "there is a delay after this skill" message.
@exp - Displays current levels and % progress
@mobinfo/@monsterinfo/@mi [Mob ID|Part of monster name] - Shows Monster Info (rates, stats, drops, MVP stuff)
@iteminfo/@ii [Item ID|Part of item name] - Shows Item info (type, price, etc)
@whodrops [Item ID|Part of item name] - Shows who drops an item (mobs with highest drop rates)
@time/@date/@server_date/@serverdate/@server_time/@servertime - Display the date/time of the server
@showexp - Displays/Hides Experience gained.
@showzeny - Displays/Hides Zeny gained.
@mobsearch [Mob ID|Monster Name] - Shows the location of a certain mob on the current map.
@myinfo - Displays your current Deathmatch/Cashpoints, Kafra Points, and your IP address
@jailtime - Displays the time remaining in jail
@bgregular - Displays the Battlegrounds Fame list
@whereis "mob name/ID - Displays location of the mob
@leader "Name" - Change the Team Leader in Battlegrounds
@autoloot [on|off|#] - Makes items go straight into your inventory.
@aloot rate <amount> - For autolooting items with percentage of drop <amount> and lower.
@aloot item <id/name> - For autolooting the item. You can change it up to 20 times.
@aloot info - To see autoloot's configuration list.
@aloot clear - To erase autoloot's configuration & deactivate it.
@autotrade/@at - Allows you to vend while you are offline.
@changegm [Player Name] - Changes the leader of your guild (You must be guild leader)
@changeleader [Player Name] - Changes the leader of your party (You must be party leader)
@request [Message] - Sends a message to all connected GMs (via the gm whisper system)
@load/@return - Warps you to your save point
@jump [x [y]- Randomly warps you like a flywing.
@warp [map_name x,y] - Warps you to that map and coordinates specified
@storage - opens your storage
@rentstorage - opens secondary storage
@gstorage - opens guild storage
@security - Activates a password on your account. While on, this disables trades
@refresh - Refreshes your screen
@autorefresh "30-300 seconds" - Automatically refreshes your screen in the time intervals indicated
@showmobs - display monster locations on the mini map except boss monsters.
@duel - Starts a duel.
@invite - Invites a player to a duel.
@accept - Accepts an invitation to a duel.
@reject - Rejects an invitation to a duel.
@leave - Leaves a duel.
@pvpmode - Enters/Exits a PK mode
@feelreset - reset the Star Gladiator skill "Feeling"
@hominfo - displays the information of homunculus (Creator/Genetic)
@homstats - displays the stats of homunculus (Creator/Genetic)
@memo - displays the memo saved for the Acolyte type class skill "Warp Portal"
@guildskill [EC/RS/RG/BO] - Uses the guild skill [reserved for Guild Leaders only]
@cashshop - opens a Cash Shop/ Deathmatch Point Shop (Merchant Class)
@autotrade - Allow you vend while offline (Skill Vending Required)
@order - Broadcasts in Bold Red Text for guildmembers to see (Guild Leader only)
@create - allows you to create a chat channel
@join - allows you to join a chat channel
@exit - allows you to leave a chat channel
source: (Ryu - dreamerro Forum) added @showmobs command